01525 288 532 info@petpiggies.co.uk

How do I know I'm buying a micro pig and not a farm pig ?

How do you know I'm buying a micro pig and not a farm pig ? 

A micro pig is only micro compared to other breeds of pig, you can watch our videos or see size comparison charts on this site.

So, when you've researched micro pig ownership and decided this is for you, how do you know the piglet you purchase isn't a farm pig?

Of course there are many ways to ensure you dont get a lot more pig for your money, here's just one.

Micro pig piglets are generally 6-12 weeks old when ready to leave for new homes

Meet Lily, pictured here, an 8 week old micro pig at Petpiggies.

Lily weighs 4 kilos and you can see her size in relation to a coke can.

An 8 week old farm pig weighs around 21 kilos, 5 times Lily's weight, and would be 5 times her size.  

If you're about to purchase a micro pig,  your piglet should be similar in size to Lily. If the piglet is much much bigger, it's likely to be a 'pig in a poke'




8 week old pink baby micro pig